Timetable Training

There are many instances where schools, academies and colleges have experienced personnel working on the curriculum planning/timetabling who may benefit from an external view. We are happy to look through the plans and give our views if there are any opportunities to improve the end product.

In addition we offer tailor-made packages to work with a team and develop their curriculum planning/timetabling skills. This can be run as a one-off training session or on as an on-going arrangement where we would provide support as and when required. Some examples of how we can work with you to develop internal expertise: 

Leadership team:
We will run an interactive session with the leadership team to develop a strategic understanding of curriculum planning and development.

Those responsible for the timetable:
We will develop their skills and work with them to put together the curriculum plan for presentation to the leadership team. 

Middle leaders:
The aim of this session is to open the middle leaders to the broader implications of curriculum planning and timetabling. This normally makes for a lively session because of the competing interests but will result in improved understanding and a greater appreciation of the complexities involved. 

All staff:
We are happy to run sessions with all staff that take the form of:

  • An introduction to the timetabling process and implications for all staff
  • The options process for KS4 and Sixth Form
  • Student tracking, target setting, monitoring and reporting to parents
  • Prior to running a Ofsted Preparation - the format that it will take and run a Q&A session

Please ring and ask for Rob Cooper or Paul Cuff on:

Tel: 0208 242 4715
Email: info@education-time.co.uk

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