Raising Standards

Our success has been built on the contribution that we make to raising standards. We ensure that all of our contact with schools, academies and colleges is focused on that single aim of raising standards making a positive contribution to the standards agenda. There is no magic bullet but we raise standards when we are able to have an impact in the following:

  • Curriculum planning and design
  • The options process at KS4 and Sixth Form
  • Scheduling and timetabling
  • Providing training on the curriculum planning and timetabling process that is specifically geared to your school/academy/college
  • Running Challenge sessions with the leadership team
  • Reviewing the student tracking systems identifying levels/grades, target setting and monitoring
  • Proposing a range of intervention strategies for targeted students

We are happy to meet and discuss any or all of the above. The initial discussion is free of charge. At that stage we agree whether or not there is a way forward and precisely how Education Time could fit into your plans.

It is your agenda ... we help ensure that the agenda maximises the impact on standards. 

Please ring and ask for Rob Cooper or Paul Cuff on:

Tel: 0208 242 4715
Email: info@education-time.co.uk

Copyright Education Time Ltd